Film vs. Digital in Filmmaking

December 26th, 2019 | Category: Technology

Article by Herb Kimble.

Summary: Learn why cinema has transitioned to digital.

Quentin Tarantino recently purchased and renovated the New Beverly with the sole purpose of showing 35mm films. Not too many films are shot on film stock these days; digital is the favored medium for most modern productions.

Film is certainly iconic, but digital is much easier to work with. Approaching producers for funding to make a movie on film stock will get you about as far as the production of Don Quixote. Here are some of the reasons why digital has far eclipsed film.

Going Digital

Digital offers a lot of freedom in post-production to attain a certain look. You can shoot something over or underexposed, then use digital post-production to highlight certain elements. You can also experiment a bit with hard or soft lighting because modern projectors display in true black, so shadows and tones look the way they ought to without a lot of complicated behind-the-scenes work.

Digital equipment is also inexpensive when compared to film, and a lot lighter. Cameras are getting smaller, mobile and the steadicam is a part of everything now. First time crews can pick up a cheap rental, a laptop and create an entire film in just a few months.

There is also a flipside to this explosion, which is that quantity has increased and quality has inevitably gone down. Not all new releases are bad, but viewers have become more discerning because there is simply so much to sort through.

Digital has made it easier to create, and to release films. The one thing that digital hasn’t changed is the need to market your film.

This article was written by Herb Kimble. Herb Kimble is an entrepreneur, director, and a film producer. He is the founder of Urban Flix, a streaming network that specializes in multi-cultural content and CineFocus Productions, a film production company.

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Optical Thin Film Manufacturing: The Pros and Cons

February 22nd, 2017 | Category: Electronic,Technology

The quality of optical thin films weight heavily on the coating technology utilized.

circuit-boardThere are numerous types of processes that are utilized for the manufacturing of optical thin films. Two of the most common processes are traditional thermal evaporation as well as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. When used in a proper fashion, each of these techniques allow the user to create unique advantages and create a thin film that’s both high quality and versatile.

Why Optical Thin Film Manufacturers Promote Diversity

Now, many coating manufacturers tend to stick to one process as opposed to utilizing a variety of thin film deposition systems. While this may be unique in that the manufacturer can showcase their expertise in that one specific process, there’s a downside to it as well. A single approach doesn’t always equate to advantages to all applications. Certain types of coating technologies work for certain applications. And, being limited to one specific type of coating technology doesn’t exactly promote quality. A manufacturer that possesses the equipment and ability to employ a variety of technologies is one that you should trust – as the physical characteristics and unique qualities of the film will come out better than expected.

Traditional Thermal and E-Beam Evaporation

Traditional thermal and e-beam evaporation systems are the most commonly used technologies in today’s coating industry. Why? Their simplicity of usage as well as their low implementation costs allow for almost any manufacturer to produce an optical film. These technologies start by heating a metal through either an electron beam or a different heat source that’s placed within a vacuum chamber. The produce is then vaporized, allowing the once metallic product to stream away from the source – and then recondense on the surface that’s in line with the source. This method utilizes very little energy during the process and the result of this is a porous, low density, product that shows.

The Downside to Coating Limitations.

Porous films may not sound like much an issue, but to the user, there area a multitude of issues that include subsequently absorbing moisture, changing the refractive index of the layer, and affect the overall coating parameters. Furthermore, manufacturers that only stick to these coating processes limit themselves to a mediocre quality optical film at best. Now, this isn’t to say that these two coating technologies are not recommended. The best coating systems that utilize these methods can change the overall quality of the film once produced.

Denton Vacuum, LLC provides all the PECVD equipment that you need to ensure that your optical thin films are of high quality and brilliant.

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