Legendary company Sony is fading away

January 10th, 2020 | Category: Technology

Once a powerful technological company Sony is fading away under the intense competition, introduction of new products by others and new technology. Sony brand was unmatchable for decades and it appears that it is losing its commanding position since 2007.


Sony introduced the mobile music concept to the world. However, it lost its dominance to Apple’s iPod.

Sony introduced the home gaming systems to the world and lost its prominence to Microsoft’s Xbox 360.

Sony was also known for its good quality TVs and lost its dominance to Samsung Electronics. Samsung outsells Sony by two to one.

Apple commands the tablet computing market with more than 60 percent of the market share. Sony’s Tablet S even with a new style had become an “also ran” product.

In the smartphone market, Apple and Samsung have the lion share of 46 percent. Sony recently bought Ericsson to compete with Apple as well as mobile phones run on Google’s Android software, it sells far fewer phones and the completion is fears due to Motorola Mobility, HTC, and Huawei.

In the meantime, Sony continues to lose revenue month after month. Due to strong competition from others, moving forward Sony is expecting to concentrate on digital imaging, mobile and videogames.

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