Microsoft’s next OS: Windows 8

January 10th, 2020 | Category: Technology

The world renowned Computex 2012 will be held in Taipei in June 2012. Host of Windows 8 based devices including ultrabooks, smartphones and tablets are expected to be showcased at the event. A widely circulating rumor indicate that Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer has a 80-inch tablet in his office that runs on Windows 8 which operates on touch interface. Windows 8’s multi-touch capability will be the most sought after feature by customers of tablets and smartphones. However, it will be available for those who still use keyboard and mouse.



If all current Windows based devices are converted to Windows 8, it will amount to 500 million devices worldwide. It is up to current customers whether they want to convert to the new operating system or not. The capability of touch optimization will increase the use of Windows 8 in tablets and smartphones where Microsoft was behind the curve in the past.

Windows 8, Microsoft’s next version of operating system will be one of the main events in 2012. It will have tile based start screen replacing the previous Windows menu. It will allow easier switching between running screens. It will enhance touch-optimized browsing while working well with mouse and keyboard. Yet, it will be fully compatible with Windows 7 PCs, software and peripherals.

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