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Best PC games for Christmas 2011

November 28th, 2011 | Category: Technology

Christmas is the perfect time to buy your loved ones a present they will love. Video games are a gift that will excite anyone from kids to your friends and maybe you can treat yourself to one as well. Here is a look at the hottest games out this season.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This is a must for fans of role playing game fans. It involves having to kill a Nordic dragon god who is said to destroy the world.

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations

The game will feature single and multi-player modes and will be the last of the game set in the series set in the renaissance the last to feature Altair and Ezio Auditore. It is set to be released on November 29.

Battlefield 3

EA’s take on Activision’s first- person shooter, Call of Duty. The Battlefield franchise is not particularly famous for it’s single-player campaign, which is decent. They are famous however for their multi-player mode, which also features co-operative play.

Be warned though that this games works only on Windows Vista and up, and requires a DirectX 10 compatible graphics card.

Batman: Arkham City

Released by Warner Brothers Interactive it revolves plot resolves about Batman being imprisoned in Arkham City.

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Latest trends in mobile technology

October 30th, 2011 | Category: Technology

Mobile technology has seen a technological advancement over the last decade from being used to make a phone call to being able to use it as your personal assistant capable of doing many tasks by following your voice commands.

The major mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia, Apple and Samsung are continuously striving to come up with features better than the newest feature introduced by its competitor.

The modern mobile market is shifting towards the use of Smartphones which allows users to access the internet, Wi-Fi, stream videos, access social networking sites, send mails and do so much more. In order to cater to this rapidly growing market, mobile device platform developers have developed new operating systems such as Google’s Android, iOS by Apple, Symbian V3 by Nokia and Microsoft’s Wndows 7 for mobile devices.

Apple revolutionized the mobile computing market with the introduction of the iPad. The device saw sales of over 7 million units in the first 6 months. Competitors coming in to to the market has seen the reduction in the price of smart phones.

The decrease in the price of data plans by GSM providers also increased the popularity of the smart phones with many using the smart phones as photo editors and chatting machines.

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Apple to unveil iphone 5 in October

September 28th, 2011 | Category: Technology

It has been anticipated for months and the rumor mill has been working overtime and finally it seems like the new Apple iphone 5 will be released. According to a report in All Things Digital the latest smartphone will be unveiled on October 4.

It will be launched by Apple’s new CEO Tim Cook who took over from former CEO Steve Jobs who stepped down in August.

It is expected that the new phone will have a 4 inch screen, larger than the previous 3.5 inch screen as well being thinner and lighter as well. It is also rumored to have a much faster A5 dual core processor, iOS 5 and 8 mega pixel cameras which will replace iphone 4’s 5 mega pixel camera. It may have wireless charging as well.

The phone said to have a NFC chip installed in it which will enable the user to make payments with it instead of using a credit card. It will be one of very few phones with this feature in the market at present.

It is expected to come in 16 GB and 32GB in black and white on AT&T, Verizon and Sprint and be made available internationally on China Mobile.

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Reduce Roaming Phone Usage With International SIM Cards

July 25th, 2011 | Category: Telecommunication

One definite way to reducing phone bills when roaming is to use international sim cards. This SIM card will work in almost any country and in almost any phone, provided both support GSM transmission. This will save you a ton of money. In most business travel expenses are allocated so any money saved is yours to spend. The savings can either be channeled to keeping in touch with your family or spent on other expenses during travel.

In order to use a SIM card such as this, it will be better to use a world phone. World phones operate on all the current frequencies of the gsm standard. Most phones by default are either dual band or tri-band (the old world phone standard). Now quad band is what you will need to travel and have service in all other countries with their own GSM networks.

An alternative to getting your own international SIM or a world phone (or both), is to purchase a prepaid international cell phone. These phones are compatible across a range of countries and come with prepaid credit. This has many advantages. Firstly, it is prepaid, this prevents excessive usage since you can no longer make any calls once the credit is over. Secondly, in cases where the phone is stolen or lost, the damage can be limited.

In short, when roaming consider one of the above options, It will save you time, hassle and most importantly of all: money.

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Take Care of Your Marine Outboard

June 29th, 2011 | Category: Technology

Getting boat parts and accessories online is quite easy these days. Parts can be searched for by serial number or name and there’s usually somewhere you can call if you’re stuck on something or have an urgent question that needs an immediate answer. Taking care of a boat is a big commitment, but it is also a joy. There’s as much pleasure in understanding how all the parts fit together as there is in mastering their assembly, disassembly, and reassembly. And who can help but hoot in an exclamation of joy about the fun that’s to be had by riding?

mercury outboard

You don’t need to go through a collection of Mercury marine outboards if you take good care of the one you have. Keeping an outboard in good shape requires some effort, but they’re so much fun to have. To keep your boat going, you guard against engine overheating by keeping the cooling system in check and ordering the marine parts you need as soon as you notice that a replacement is in order. And even if you chance momentarily misplacing a crucial outboard parts diagram, even that you can find online! Keeping your craft clean, appropriately lubricated, and free from corrosion will do a lot of the heavy lifting that’s necessary for it to endure for years to come.

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