Mar 6

Understanding Face Recognition Time Clock Systems

This article was written by Allied Time

Biometric time clock systems are all the rage these days. A biometric time clock is one that uses an attribute of the human body to identify the employee. There are three main types of biometric time clocks on the market: fingerprint systems, hand readers, and face recognition time clock systems.  The face recognition time clock system is the most advanced of the three by far, offering companies incredible efficiency, security, and flexibility.

If you’re in the market for a new face recognition system, you might have a few questions. If you’re new to advanced time clocks, you might wonder whether this technology is right for your business. Do you need a face recognition system or a fingerprint time clock system? To help you make a well-informed purchase decision, here’s a brief look at the features and benefits of the face recognition time clock system.

The Features of Face Recognition Systems

The specific features of a face recognition time clock depend on the brand and model. But the following is a list of features that are common on most units. As the name implies, a face recognition time clock system identifies employees by scanning the face. Unlike fingerprint or hand-reader systems, a face recognition time card machine is sanitary and doesn’t involve dirty prints or germs. Along with tracking total hours worked and overtime, this type of model offers many advanced features, including optional automatic lunch deduction,  work codes collection, two level of overtime, archive features, manual recording of various hours, and language configurations.

A face recognition time clock system can be installed on a single PC or multiple computers. The data can be integrating with multiple payroll providers, and provides a wide variety of reporting capabilities.

The Many Benefits

There are many advantages to purchasing a face recognition time clock system for your company. It’s ideal for companies that want a simple yet effective way to track employee time. Since it offers many automatic features, a face recognition machine can help improve workflow by allowing managers to focus on other areas of the company.

A face recognition system also provides incredible compliance. Many systems provide instant back up of vital data, and can retrieve the information is a fraction of the time compared to manual data retrieval. It also offers incredible security. With extreme security, businesses can have protection and peace of mind. Finally, it doesn’t require a lot of software to run.
Allied Time offers employee time tracking systems and supplies, including employee time clock software, biometric time clocks, and traditional time clocks.

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